2019. március 8., péntek

Giuliana és a magyarok

Giuliana bejegyzéséből kiderül, hogy miért szimpatikusak a magyarok a számára és mi közünk a kókuszdióhoz. Decemberi első havazás és hóember építés, januári filozofálás, angolul, dióhéjban Erasmus+ önkéntesünk második bejegyzése.


I don't know if Santa is real,  but if he is I know where  all the old present are brought, to Filantropia Charity Shop, and who has to find them a place? This girl over here, sometimes I just feel like an elf.
Nevertheless, It was a nice month, the city was full of “bipolar snow”  because you can see every three hours how it gets melt again. Even though I made my first snowman named Manolo, sadly he was murdered by a random human. 

I received from my boss my first Santa's chocolate for the Szent Mikulás  day, I felt like a kid again, also  Ági the sweetest girl that help us in the shop bringing us chocolates and Christmas cards, I've  realized that Hungarians like to give chocolates for any reason, I like to believe even during funerals.
Other of the things I really like about this association are the events, every month we find a reason to celebrate  something and  every two weeks I find an excuse to bake a cake, for example this month we have  the Christmas party.


Why Hungarians are szimpatikus:

The first person that thinks the Hungarian population is not nice are Hungarians. Every time I said that people in  this county has treating me really well I receive a lot of bad faces and sometimes they offered me psychological help.

I know what you are  thinking  but I'm not crazy, not that much. Yes, they are serious, bad dancers, silent, quiet,  and sometimes  unfriendly, but must at all when you said “I don't speak Hungarian” yes I've been received compliments like “get out from my country” “why you don't speak Hungarian” “kurva” and more romantic things but that is just a little tiny percent of the population.

Instead I've met with really nice people, like our neighbors, persons in supermarket lines, lovely woman who bring us cookies to the shop, all of them answered me with a smile when I told them that I don't speak Hungarian, Tami who brings sweetness to our lives, Ádám the guy from the books, Julia who  laughs  and just makes our day, Orsi who always has a vegan story to tell, Gyöngyi my mentor who wants me to save the world and use washable straws or my boss who teaches me that doesn't matter how crazy a person is you have to give it a chance. 

I got to this conclusion during a dinner with my not Hungarian friends, we realized that one big part of the population is like a peach, soft, nice and sweet, easy to eat until you get to the seed, and face a personality change, Hungarians work differently: they are like coconuts difficult to open but when you break the shell you get a coconut oil. 

In conclusion, people it's people doesn't matter where they from or which language they speak, they can be good or bad, peaches or coconuts, not more than this. 

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